Virtual instruction extended through end of spring semester
Please click here to read President Wendy Wintersteen's full March 18 announcement.
Please click here to read President Wendy Wintersteen's full March 18 announcement.
The Graduate College is proud to be a sponsor of the annual Thomas L. Hill Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE). This year’s conference will celebrate ISCORE’s 20th anniversary and will take place Friday, March 6 in the Memorial Union. Attending is free for all Iowa State students, faculty, and staff.
2020 will be the 18th year of Preparing Future Faculty (PFF), a program that helps Iowa State graduate students and postdoctoral scholars prepare for securing and excelling in faculty positions.
Majd Abdulghani received her Master of Science in Genetics and Genomics from Iowa State in 2018. Later that year, she learned she had been selected as a Rhodes Scholar, and she became the first student from Saudi Arabia to receive the prestigious scholarship. Abdulghani recently began working on her Ph.D. at Oxford University alongside the 2019 cohort of 100 Rhodes scholars. She will be studying how cancer patients’ genes affect their responses to radiotherapy.
The Iowa State University Graduate College welcomed new and returning graduate students to campus with an orientation at the Alumni Center on Aug. 29.
“As a child, I loved stories,” said Keting Chen, a Ph.D. candidate in Iowa State University’s Department of Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology. “I loved reading stories, I loved listening to stories, stories make me excited, and they are an important part of my life.”
The following story was written by Liberato Silva dos Santos. Liberato is a Ph.D. student at Iowa State in applied linguistics and technology. He also serves as an English Writing Consultant in the Center for Communication Excellence.
Today's GPSS Feature Friday focuses on Jacob Erickson, a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology who is interested in deviant identity and decision-making processes. This feature was written by fellow graduate student Lindsay Bell.