Please click here to read President Wendy Wintersteen's full March 18 announcement.
As the COVID-19 pandemic escalates, Iowa State University has decided to move all courses to virtual instruction for the remainder of the spring semester. The state of Iowa is under a Public Health Disaster Emergency, which includes a directive that all gatherings of more than 10 people be canceled or moved online until the declaration is lifted.
Academic support services, including academic advising and career services, will be provided online or by phone. For essential services, including Thielen Student Health Center and Student Counseling, please call ahead. These units will soon have telehealth options available. For International Students and Scholars, please call ahead, 515-294-1120. Access to the ISSO office in the Memorial Union is restricted.
All university events, activities, and exhibitions, on and off campus, will be canceled or moved online, for the remainder of the spring semester (through May 9). All university meetings for the remainder of the spring semester must be moved online. If an in-person meeting is essential to support daily operations, it must include no more than 10 people who are practicing social distancing (e.g. sitting at least six feet apart).
We regret that Iowa State must also cancel spring commencement ceremonies for undergraduates, graduate students, and veterinary medicine students. Campus leaders are working on plans for a live-streamed graduation address in May. Graduates will also have the opportunity to participate in a future commencement ceremony in December.
Several university facilities have closed to reduce the potential risk of transmission, including the Memorial Union, Parks Library, Reiman Gardens, and Recreation Services. Please check the Changes and Closures page for the latest information.
Faculty, staff, and graduate students should prioritize social distancing and contingency planning for their research programs. Updated information will be available tomorrow, March 19, on the COVID-19 Research FAQ page.
The Graduate College will provide updates for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars as soon as possible. Pearson Hall is currently closed, but Graduate College staff are available remotely.