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Graduate College hosts annual student orientation

The Iowa State University Graduate College welcomed new and returning graduate students to campus with an orientation at the Alumni Center on Aug. 29.


The speakers at orientation included Dr. Jonathan Wickert, Senior Vice President and Provost at Iowa State; Dr. Martino Harmon, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs; Margo Foreman, Assistant Vice President for Equal Opportunity; Ellie Field, President of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate; and Debra Marquart, Iowa Poet Laureate and Distinguished Professor.


“It’s my aspiration for you during your graduate experience, in whatever program you’re in, whether it’s a master’s program, a Ph.D. program, or a professional program, that you have an intellectually thrilling moment during your studies at Iowa State University,” Dr. Wickert said in his welcome remarks. “And you have a great team that is going to help you with that goal.”


Dr. William Graves, Dean of the Graduate College, served as the Master of Ceremony for the event.


This opportunity to welcome graduate students is important to the Graduate College. We hope the event demonstrates the friendly, supportive atmosphere that graduate students can expect to find in all corners of Iowa State University,” Dr. Graves said. “Faculty and staff across campus are here to support graduate students and celebrate their accomplishments. I particularly enjoy the chance to meet new students from all over the world and welcome them to this outstanding university.”


Students were also able to meet representatives from various student service organizations across Iowa State, including: