Spring graduate Anindya Bijoy Das receives Karas Award
Shortly before defending his dissertation this past April, Dr. Anindya Bijoy Das learned he had been selected as a Karas Award winner for Outstanding Dissertation.
Shortly before defending his dissertation this past April, Dr. Anindya Bijoy Das learned he had been selected as a Karas Award winner for Outstanding Dissertation.
Dr. Maria Alcívar-Zúñiga, an alumna of Iowa State’s Human Development and Family Studies, is a winner of the 2022 Karas Award for Outstanding Dissertation. Named for Dr. George Karas, retired former Associate Dean of the Graduate College, this accolade is given every year to honor students in rotating disciplines.
Dr. John Seitz, a graduate of Iowa State’s Ph.D. program in Rural, Agricultural, Technological, and Environmental History, received a 2021 Karas Award for Outstanding Dissertation. Every year, the Graduate College gives this accolade to two students with superior dissertations in rotating disciplines.
Dr. Amrit Venkatesh, a graduate of Iowa State’s doctoral program in chemistry, has won the Zaffarano Prize for Graduate Student Research.
Dr. Mark Hartman, an alumnus of Iowa State’s doctoral program in kinesiology, has been awarded with the Graduate College’s Karas Award for Outstanding Dissertation. Each spring, the Graduate College awards the Karas Award to two students with superior dissertations in rotating disciplinary fields.
Rochelle Dotas, who earned a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Iowa State in May, recently started her ideal job- and it’s one she previously hadn’t considered.
Three recent Iowa State alumni received honorable mentions for this year's Karas Award for Outstanding Dissertation and Zaffarano Prize for Graduate Student Research.
The Karas Award for Outstanding Dissertation award recognizes students with superior research in four rotating disciplinary areas: Humanities and the Fine Arts, Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering, Biological Sciences, and Social Sciences. This year, one alumna received an honorable mention for the award.
In February of 2017, Sanvisna Kogelen attended a seminar on the Iowa State University campus. He was a year away from earning his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and he had been searching for a job in the industry.