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academic awards

Meet our 2021-22 3MT Finalists: Swathy Krishna

Swathy Krishna, a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Genetics and Genomics, will compete in the Graduate College's sixth annual Three Minute Thesis competition on Oct. 28. Learn more about Swathy below, and watch her presentation, "Does a High-fat High Sugar Diet Make Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Worse?" on Thursday at 6 p.m.


Meet our 2021-22 3MT Finalists: Kate Borchardt

Kate Borchardt, a third-year Ph.D. candidate in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, is a finalist in this year's final Three Minute Thesis (3MT) for the second year in a row. Learn more about Kate and her 3MT presentation, "ISU Prairie Strip Honey: Status and Future," below.

Meet our 2021-22 3MT Finalists: Abesh Bera

Abesh Bera is in his fifth year of the microbiology doctoral program at Iowa State. His Three Minute Thesis (3MT) presentation, which he will deliver in the final round of Iowa State's 3MT competition on Oct. 28, is titled "Remote Spatial Coordination Within Cytoskeleton Regulates Timing of Cell Division." Ahead of the competition, Abesh answered questions about his graduate studies about Iowa State.


Q: What brought you to Iowa State?

Kinesiology alum Mark Hartman receives Karas Award

Dr. Mark Hartman, an alumnus of Iowa State’s doctoral program in kinesiology, has been awarded with the Graduate College’s Karas Award for Outstanding Dissertation. Each spring, the Graduate College awards the Karas Award to two students with superior dissertations in rotating disciplinary fields.

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