Daria Dilparic is a first-year graduate student in Civil Engineering (environmental). You can learn more about her research by tuning into her presentation, "PFAS: The Forever Chemical in your Water," during Iowa State's Three Minute Thesis final competition on Thursday.

Q: What brought you to Iowa State?
A: I was raised in Iowa and really loved the small campus atmosphere along with the numerous opportunities in the College of Engineering.
Q: Describe your research in three sentences or less.
A: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been used in a wide application of consumer items, and the widespread use has led to the contamination of most water systems. PFAS are toxic to humans and the environment and are associated with cancers, decreased immune responses, infertility, and elevated cholesterol levels. We can apply PFAS forensic methods to detect contamination sources and select the best treatment or mitigation technology to remove them from our drinking water.
Q: What do you hope to gain from Three Minute Thesis?
A: I hope to gain the ability to communicate the impact of my research effectively to someone outside of the field, and without talking their ear off!
Q: Share a fun fact about yourself.
A: I was born in the Netherlands!
Founded at the University of Queensland, Three Minute Thesis (3MT) challenges graduate students to present their research to a non-specialist audience in three minutes or less. Iowa State's eight finalists will compete in our final competition on Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. You can watch a livestream of the event on the Graduate College's Facebook page.