Bailey Adams, one of our Three Minute Thesis (3MT) finalists, is a third-year Ph.D. student in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. His 3MT presentation is titled "Sprayer Chassis Suspension Optimization for Improved Boom Performance." Learn more about Bailey below.

Q: What brought you to Iowa State?
A: I was extremely impressed with the culture and impact of the #1 ranked Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering graduate program here at Iowa State as well as the unique, innovative research opportunities within the ISU Digital Ag Team of which I joined. I could foresee my potential to truly provide beneficial research, to drive creative solutions, and to increase economic and environmental sustainability for the agricultural industry, and I could not wait to get started!
Q: Describe your research in three sentences or less.
A: My research focuses on data analytics and state-of-the-art virtual engineering capabilities to answer questions about agricultural machinery systems and improve agricultural machinery performance. More specifically, I currently conduct research on chassis suspension dynamics of self-propelled sprayers. I am utilizing the capabilities of model-based design to develop an experimental adaptive chassis suspension system in hopes of reducing self-propelled sprayer system disturbances and increasing boom height stability for more even chemical application during the spraying season.
Q: What do you hope to gain from Three Minute Thesis?
A: Clear and effective communication is a critical component for the success of a professional researcher. I knew that this Three Minute Thesis competition would be an awesome opportunity to practice my communication skills and reflect on how to best convey my research to a general audience in a timely fashion.
Q: Share a fun fact about yourself.
A: A life goal of mine is to visit all 7 continents. Thus far, I have traveled within North America, South America, and Europe!
Founded at the University of Queensland, Three Minute Thesis (3MT) challenges graduate students to present their research to a non-specialist audience in three minutes or less. This year, Iowa State's 3MT competition is entirely virtual. Get to know our seven outstanding finalists before we announce the winner, runner-up, and People's Choice Award recipient on January 25. Watch the full competition and vote for the People's Choice Award recipient.