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Updated graduation deadlines for Spring 2020

The Graduate College is working to provide additional assistance to students who are completing graduate degree programs this spring. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to allow as much flexibility as possible for students who are completing degree requirements this semester. Please keep in mind the updates to the temporary Pass/No Pass policy for graduate-level courses.

In addition, every student who meets our posted deadlines will have their transcripts updated with a spring 2020 graduation date as usual. Please encourage your students to upload their theses/dissertations/creative components, respond to thesis/dissertation edit requests, and electronically turn in their exam report forms, graduate student approval forms, and any other pending forms as quickly as possible to facilitate this process.

We understand the many effects of the pandemic on our students, so we are allowing a second process for students who want to graduate this semester but are unable to meet our posted deadlines. Any student who meets the relaxed deadlines below will have their degree added to their transcripts retroactively to ​spring 2020, and thus will not have to register during the summer or wait until the end of the summer to earn their degrees.



Date for spring graduation with late degree conferral

Last day to schedule final exam

May 11

Last day to complete final exam

May 18

Last day Open dissertation account

May 18

Last day for Graduate Student Approval Form/Conditions Met Memo/I grades and non-reports

May 24

Last day to upload and submit

May 31

Remember that any student who has an approved thesis/dissertation/creative component, full pass on report on final oral and graduate student approval forms turned in, and acceptable grades for all of their coursework is eligible for a Graduation Certification Letter that can verify completion of requirements for employers or institutions.