William Graves, Dean of the Graduate College at Iowa State University, visited three universities in the West African country Ghana last month. While in Ghana, Dean Graves met with university administrators to discuss building closer relationships between their institutions and the Graduate College. He also met with students interested in earning graduate degrees at Iowa State.
Dr. Richmond Aryeetey, who earned his Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences at Iowa State and is on the faculty of the University of Ghana, co-led the session with Dean Graves.

“Visiting these three universities in Ghana was a terrific experience. I appreciated the opportunity to interact with students interested in continuing their education by attending graduate school in the United States,” Graves said. “The passion for learning and achieving among these students was inspirational. I also was grateful for the warm reception from university leaders, and I look forward to helping Iowa State University strengthen its collaborations with these institutions.”

The graduate student community at Iowa State includes students from 122 countries, including Ghana.